Having data on what people eat is crucial for the design of evidence-based policies and programs that address emerging nutrition challenges. To increase the availability of actionable information on diets, FHI 360 established Intake, a center for dietary assessment that increases the availability, quality, comparability and use of reliable dietary data and metrics.
With funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Intake offers demand-driven, flexible, technical assistance services at no cost to low- and middle-income countries interested in conducting population-based dietary assessments. We are currently providing technical assistance to support national or large-scale dietary surveys in Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Viet Nam and Zambia.
Among the center’s key areas of work is the development of tools and technology to reduce barriers to dietary data collection, analysis and use. One such tool is Intake4Earth, a mobile application that allows countries to use real-time data to identify the links between population-level dietary patterns, diet quality and planetary health.
For more information on Intake, visit the center’s website.