September 2007 — The Implementing AIDS Prevention and Care (IMPACT) project in Nepal was the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Nepal’s primary mechanism for providing technical assistance to the Government of Nepal for HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support. IMPACT’s activities in Nepal were developed in collaboration with USAID/Nepal in consultation with the National Centre for AIDS and STD Control under the Ministry of Health and Population and contributed to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.
For the duration of the project, activities supported both USAID and the Government of Nepal to implement their respective strategies; develop capacity in HIV programming and policy development and support; monitor and respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic; and scale up prevention-to-care services for individuals who are most at risk. To address the needs of these most-at-risk groups, IMPACT expanded its focus on female sex workers and their clients concentrated along highways; injecting drug users; men who have sex with men and male sex workers in urban areas; Nepali migrant workers in high-migration communities in Nepal and in Mumbai, India; and people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.
Using three main implementation strategies of Safe Highways, Safe Cities and Safe Migration, FHI 360 worked in partnership with more than 50 implementing agencies to execute more than 100 subagreements. FHI 360 conducted dozens of research studies, disseminated hundreds of publications and targeted communication materials, conducted four mass-media campaigns, strengthened the capacity of numerous local organizations and trained more than 50,000 people during the project.