The Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project provides strategic technical assistance and direct service delivery to achieve HIV epidemic control and promote self-reliant management of national HIV programs by improving HIV case finding, prevention, treatment programming and viral load suppression. EpiC also offers technical assistance for emergency, mid-term and longer-term COVID-19 responses. These success stories highlight the progress of EpiC country programs.
EpiC resources
Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC): Success Stories
Documents / Downloads
- Advanced community strategies and systems strengthening improve viral load testing coverage in Côte d’Ivoire
- Reaching men who purchase sex with differentiated service delivery in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- FHI 360 and EpiC’s Partnership with the Private Sector Revolutionizes Viral Load Testing in Nigeria
- EpiC Supports Countries to Develop Policies and Guidelines for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
- ENDA Santé Is Building an Enabling Environment for Key Populations in West Africa Based on Universal Human Right
- Offering mental health services for LGBTQI+ people in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia
- Preparing for Prime: Local Partner Knowledge Exchange on Managing Direct Funds
- Key Populations Investment Fund: Introducing and Enhancing Access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
- Improving outreach through the engagement of people living with HIV in Nepal
- Building the Capacity of Key-Population-Led Civil Society Organizations to Become Financially Sustainable
- Strengthening the HIV Response with Structural Interventions through the Key Populations Investment Fund
- Transforming How Health Care Workers and Law Enforcement Serve Men Who Have Sex with Men in Meru County, Kenya
- Innovations to overcome vaccine hesitancy and increase COVID-19 vaccination among key populations ... India
- Getting granular: harnessing client-centered data in Indonesia to close HIV treatment gaps
- Strengthening a Transgender-led Organization to Shape Policy and Programming in Kenya
- Client risk segmentation to predict and prevent gaps in HIV service coverage in Indonesia
- Key-Population-Led Organization in Kenya Fast Tracks Access to Justice for Sex Workers Affected by Violence
- Marginalized young adults become heroes among their key population peers in Eswatini
- House of Our Pride: Outreach and adaptation keep treatment accessible amid COVID-19 pandemic in Eswatini
- Community-Led Monitoring Drives Tailored Solutions and Improves Focus on Client-Centered Services
- Smart Ladies mobilizes the community to promote the rights and well-being of sex workers in Nakuru, Kenya
- EpiC and Partners Introduce Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Ghana